Book Reviews

Book Review

I am creating this category in my blog on book reviews.

There are many books that I have read, but I forget most after some time – the content, what I learn, and so on.

Forgetting the content is okay, I can always ask Google or ChatGPT about them.

Chatgpt response for a book summary.

Forgetting what I learn from the book, is also okay. They are searchable online.

chatgpt response on what we can learn from Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham.

But forgetting the feelings, our thoughts after reading, why I think what I think, may mean re-reading. Google or ChatGPT can’t store my thoughts, how I feel, and so on, at least, for now.

Hence, I created a book review section in this blog.

But I wanted the book review section to be useful to me, and yet not “ChatGPT-able” or “Google-able”. Else, why should I bother writing it when there are already so many articles out there for me to view.

Here’s what you’ll probably on the Book Reviews in this blog. Book reviews intimate to me. More of what I think about the book, what I did after reading about the book, and so on.

They are all my personal thoughts, the emotions that I go through, why I think a certain way. Just my thoughts, and my interpretation.