Hello, and welcome to my website.
The website is set up to journal my thoughts, and my journey.
Years back, I took the leap of faith and quit my engineering job that paid me a low 5 figure, with an intention to take a sabbatical. 2 year later, I went for a few job interviews, but I soon realized, I truly do not want to go back to work.
Don’t get me wrong. I truly love engineering. I don’t mind burying myself doing the engineering stuff, but I do not like toying with office politics, getting people to get stuff done (so that I can continue my work), listening to gossips, and so on. Since what I don’t like usually take up more time, than the actual work, I decided that I won’t get back to the corporate world.
Instead, I cut back on spending, and retire.
As a retiree, I do or create something I feel like, when I want to FULL TIME, and I share my journey online, anonymously. Hence, my term ” FULL TIME ANONYMOUS CREATOR”.
This website is mainly to share my life, and to journal about my life and thoughts after 40. I talk about life as a retiree, how I fund my life, how I create things I like, my hobbies and life, and occasionally working without a job.
This would be my main place where I put my thoughts.
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